Meet Our Professional and Experienced Teachers

Elizabeth Mckee

M.Mus., B.Bus.,


Piano, Theory


Elizabeth’s love of music began when she started piano lessons at the age of six with her grandmother. She went on to complete her ARCT Diploma as well as Bachelor of Music (University of Victoria) and Master of Music (University of Leeds, UK) degrees, each with a major in piano performance. During her musical education, Elizabeth achieved numerous honour standings and awards, including the Lord Snowden Award (Leeds) and the Cathcart Award (Victoria).
Throughout her musical education and career, Elizabeth learned from and performed for top musicians and teachers from around the world. She received tutelage both here and abroad from esteemed musicians including Jane Hayes, Arthur Rowe, Connie Shih and Ian Buckle. Elizabeth has performed extensively in Canada and the UK both as a soloist and ensemble performer.
Elizabeth is an active educator, collaborative pianist and adjudicator in the Lower Mainland. She is a passionate advocate for the education and inspiration of young artists and her students have achieved great success in competitions and Royal Conservatory of Music examinations. Elizabeth is a BC Registered Music Teacher and she enjoys sharing her wealth of musical knowledge and fostering a lifelong love of music in her students.

Darren Deng
ARCT, B.A., M.Ped 钢琴表演级,钢琴学士,钢琴与钢琴教育硕士

piano, Theory

Darren Deng, having begun his piano journey at the age of 7 in China, made a comeback after a 10-year pause on the music road out of enormous passion demonstrated by his highly-dedicated commitment in music. In 2021, he pursued his piano study with the brilliant Russian-Canadian virtuoso pianist and professor-Dr. Eugene Skovorodnikov. Within a 2-year period, he has accomplished piano level ARCT of Royal Conservatory of Music in Canada. Darren has been invariably accumulating his performance experiences ranging from solo recital, chamber music to symphony orchestra, becoming an active performer on stages. In 2022, He performed Beethoven Concerto No.2 in B flat Major, Op.19 with Encore Sinfonietta Orchestra at the UBC Chan Centre, Vancouver. He also participated in the Concert with Grosseto Orchestra in Italy in the same year. More to come in the future…

Darren has delved into an educational career, achieving a master degree of Education in Western University. As an enthusiastic educator, his perseverance and well-cultivated sense of responsibility exert positive influence on students, leading to a both enthusiastic and disciplined learning environment.


Eileen liu
M.Mus., B.Mus
Piano,Theory 钢琴,乐理

Eileen Liu is a Taiwan-born Canadian pianist. She began playing piano at the age of six and has participated in numerous music festivals such as Kiwanis festivals in Vancouver and Richmond.

In 2008, she completed her ARCT with a high mark of 90 and subsequently won the ARCT trophy for piano for highest mark in Richmond branch. Following this achievement, she was invited by the chairperson of Trophy to perform at the honours recital for BCRMTA.

Ms.Liu continued her musical education with Professor Arthur Rowe for her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Victoria and graduated with honours. She also holds a Master’s degree from University of Ottawa for piano performance under the guidance of Professor Andrew Tunis.

She has performed actively in concerts as a trio group and soloist, and has played for pianists such as Jamie Parker and Shoko Inoue in Master classes. Ms.Liu is currently residing in Vancouver and wishes to continue her musical career through teaching and sharing her love for classical music.

Mindy Gofsky
M.Mus., B.Bus., B.A
作曲指挥专业学士,作曲专业硕士,音乐教育学专业学士,RCM 理论考官

RCM Theory, AP Music Theory

Mindy received music degree in music composition at UBC and Shanghai Conservatory of Music. She has been a music teacher for 22 years in public school as well as in a private school.  Her composition pieces won numerous competitions throughout China and internationally and many of her theory students have achieved results of 100 on many occasions in B.C.

Teaching Style: focus on students’ level of understanding.

Mission Statement—cultivate a safe, accepting and engaging community that inspires a passion for lifelong learning

Teaching Values—collaboration, creativity, curiosity, resilience, respect and equity of all.


Cristian Herki
M.Mus., B.Bus.


Being a third generation Concert violinist is a remarkable place to start. Add a rare 200 years old violin and a range of music from Classical to Jazz (and just about everything in between) and you have a magnificent performance that has thrilled audiences worldwide.
Cristian Herki is of Romanian-Hungarian descent and has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree and Master degree in music performance at “G. Dima” Music Academy of Cluj Napoca, Romania.
From intimate venues to international theaters, concert halls and churches, cruise ships around the world, senior houses and synagogues, Cristian wows the crowds with his exquisite violin skills and warm original tone.
Summing things up…Cristian is an incredible showman. A true experience for all age groups and audiences. With his amazing talents and his endearing and light hearted personality, you will be swept away by the touch of an artist upon the strings.
Den West , Multi-Instrumentalist Tennessee, USA

Packer Woo
B.Mus (Piano), B.Mus(Composition)
LTCL (Licentiate Diploma)

Theory, Composition

Packer has been playing piano since the age of 5. He studied music in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Canada, which provided him international connections with different people. Packer has been teaching piano to children in church and his neighborhood since middle school. He believes that it is important to communicate with students, while also ensuring students enjoy playing piano. Packer has achieved ABRSM Grade 6 theory and Trinity College of London Licentiate Diploma (LTCL) in piano at the age of 17. He also graduated from Dalhousie University with a Bachelor of Music in 2018.

Packer has also composed music for music festivals and video games. He composed and performed piano in the Nocturne Arts Festival 2016 and 2017 which features improvisation music for an ensemble. He also composed and performed a piano solo suite in the Open Water Festival in 2017. Beyond piano Packer has also written Orchestral music. Tapestry (2017) is an orchestral piece composed by Packer which was performed by Symphony Nova Scotia. Packer’s piano composition – Sonatina in C# minor, also won the 2020 KPU International Composition Festival senior division – David Gordon Holmwood Memorial Award. As a hobby, Packer also wrote some video game music which was featured in rhythm games such as Dynamix, Arcaea, and Voez.

派克 吴老师从5岁开始学习钢琴,在香港,马来西亚,加拿大等多个地区受过良好的音乐教育。就因这点,吴老师的教课有着多元化的特点。吴老师从中学开始在教会教学生,他非常重视跟孩子们的交流,通过跟他的学习,确保孩子们喜欢弹钢琴,热爱音乐。派克,吴17岁时拿到英国三一学院最高演奏文凭。2018年毕业于达尔豪斯大学,钢琴,作曲双学士。

派克也为众多游戏公司Dynamix,Arcaea,Voez等等创作游戏音乐。他也曾为Nocturne 艺术节作曲重奏乐,在Open Water Festival上作曲与演奏钢琴曲,2017年他的作品Tapestry被Nova Scotia交响乐团演奏。在2020年在KPU国际作曲比赛中获奖金奖

Solomon Cheung is a pianist that was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia. He started learning music and piano from his mother at a young age of 4. Only shortly after starting, his mother saw the potential and was able to get Piano Instructor, Amanda Chan to teach Solomon. Studying under Chan, Solomon progressed from beginner level, to completing his RCM Level 10 in a span of 7 years. However, at the time, Solomon was not planning to further advance in the art of piano. After some years of accompanying his school choir as well as church worship teams, he changed his mind and was accepted in to the Bachelor of Music program at the University of Victoria, studying with Steinway Artist, Prof. Arthur Rowe; officially resuming Classical piano training after a nearly 4 year hiatus. He later transferred to UBC School of Music, where he completed his Bachelor of Music degree studying piano under Dr. Corey Hamm and Michelle Mares. Returning to Vancouver, Solomon began teaching piano and found a new interest of teaching and passing on the art of playing music. His playing has earned him awards in the Burnaby Clef and Kiwanis music festivals, as well as the Grace Swannell Memorial Scholarship in Piano. Solomon specializes in playing and teaching Classical music and heavily admires the Romantic works of Chopin and Liszt. He also has a strong interest in video game music, drawing heavy inspiration from the melodies of Nobuo Uematsu. Currently, Solomon resides in Richmond, teaching piano and cultivating the love of music in his students.

所罗门程老师毕业于UBC和维多利亚大学的钢琴专业奖学金优秀生。6岁起跟随母亲学习钢琴,随后跟温哥华音乐学院钢琴系主任及校长Amanda Chan 学习钢琴,已优异的成绩考上维多利亚大学音乐系钢琴专业,在校期间曾获得 Grace Swannell Memorial”奖学金,“Joyce and Don Brake”双项奖学金。他也是著名斯坦威钢琴演奏家Arthur Rowe的弟子,回到温哥华他继续与著名钢琴教育家,UBC系主任Dr. Corey Hamm深造。程老师是非常有才华,而且受过非常专业及高水准的音乐教育的钢琴家。


Solomon Cheung


Dan Mou

M.Mus, B.Mus, MA


Dan Mou graduated from the Stuttgart State University of Music and Performing Arts under the tutelage of
Prof. Anke Dill. She received a Master’s Degree in Instrumental Performance in Violin, a Master’s Degree in
Chamber Music Performance, and a Master’s Degree in New Music Performance with honors. Due to her
excellent degree grades, she was also a recipient of scholarships from the German government foundation
DAAD, the Gert Volker Dill Educational Foundation and the Ludwigsburg Schloss Festspiel (Ludwigsburg
Castle Music Festival). She also actively uses her vacation time to participate in masterclasses with other
renowned music educators, such as the internationally renowned violin educators Shmuel Ashkenasi and
Nora Chastain.
During her career as a professional violinist in Germany, she was a member of the violin I section of the
world-renowned Southwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra (SWR Symphonieorchester), and deputy
leader of the violin II section of the Giessen Opera House Orchestra in Giessen. During her time in China,
she was a member of the violin II section of the National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra. She has
a particular passion for chamber music and has performed chamber music concerts with various
musicians. During her degree, she performed Brahms’ chamber music with Anke Dill, Professor of Violin,
Florian Wiek, Professor of Piano, Andrea Darzins, Professor of Viola, and Brotbeck, Professor of Cello, at
the university.
In addition to her quest for artistic perfection, she is a passionate violin teacher who specializes in
teaching students of all ages and levels. In the course of teaching, she has developed her own set of
teaching methods and core principles, namely the “High Efficiency Practice Method”, which aims to
maximize the quality of practice. As a result of her dedication to music, her students have developed a
strong interest in the violin and have won the first prize in the German National Youth Music Competition
“Jugend musiziert”. After living and working in Germany for over 20 years, she moved to Richmond with
her family in the summer of 2024.


Lance Ryan  is a Canadian operatic tenor, who has worked from Germany since 2005. He is known for singing Siegfried in Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen, which he performed at opera houses in Europe including the Bayreuth Festival. He performed the title roles of Verdi’s Otello and Britten’s Peter Grimes. 

Born in White Rock, British Columbia, Canada,[1] Ryan played in a rock band when he went to school and decided early for a career as a musician. He first studied music history and classical guitar at the Douglas College in New Westminster, later at the University of British Columbia. He also began to train his voice there, which he continued in Europe, with the Italian tenors Gianni Raimondi and Carlo Bergonzi among others.[2] He moved to Germany in 2005 and became a member of the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, singing roles such as Wagner’s Siegmund in Die Walküre and Lohengrin, the Emperor in Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss and Kalaf in Puccini’s Turandot.[2] He appeared at the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden as the Emperor in Die Frau ohne Schatten.

Ryan performed at international festivals such as the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and the Salzburg Festival. He was Siegfried at the Bayreuth Festival in 2010, 2013 and 2014, each time both in Siegfried and Götterdämmerung.[2]

Ryan appeared internationally in major opera houses in Europe and in New York. He performed the part of Bacchus in Ariadne auf Naxos at the Metropolitan Opera. Ryan sang the title role of Énée in Berlioz’s Les Troyens in 2010 (conducted by Valery Gergiev) at the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia in Valencia and the title role of Verdi’s Otello at the Frankfurt Opera in 2012, and Florestan in Beethoven’s Fidelio at the Vienna State Opera.[2] From 2013 he was Siegfried in the Ring production in Frankfurt, conducted by Sebastian Weigle. At the Cologne Opera appeared as Alvaro in Verdi’s La forza del destino and Samson in Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saëns.[2] He performed the title role of Britten’s Peter Grimes in Wiesbaden in 2017, conducted by Albert Horne.[3] Staged by Philipp M. Krenn, he portrayed the outcast with bright, messerscharf (sharp like a knife) sounds.[4

兰斯瑞安是加拿大歌剧男高音,自2005年以来谁拥有从德国工作。他是卡尔斯鲁厄巴登国家剧院, 威斯巴登黑森州立剧院, 拜罗伊特音乐节 签署音乐家,他因在瓦格纳的《尼伯龙根的指环》中演唱齐格弗里德而闻名,他曾在包括拜罗伊特音乐节在内的欧洲歌剧院演出。他扮演了威尔第的《奥泰罗》和布里顿的《彼得·格赖姆斯》的头衔。



Lance Rayn clinka

voice, guitar